Mutual Funds

Compounding – ₹1 Lakh to ₹30 Lakh: This Mutual Fund’s Amazing Growth

The world of finance is filled with powerful tools that can help individuals grow their wealth over time. One such concept, often referred to as the “magic of compounding,” holds immense significance for long-term investors. This essay delves into the core principle of compounding, explores its impact on equity mutual fund investments, and showcases its potential through the example of a specific mutual fund scheme.


Imagine planting a seed. It starts small and seemingly insignificant. With time, however, it receives sunlight, water, and nourishment, gradually transforming into a robust plant. Similarly, compounding works its magic on your investments. When an investment is made in an equity mutual fund scheme and remains invested for a long period, the returns earned are not just pocketed – they’re reinvested. This means the returns generated in earlier years are added to the principal amount, creating a larger base for future growth. This snowball effect, where your returns generate additional returns, is the essence of compounding.

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The Power of Time

The magic of compounding truly shines when time becomes your ally. The longer your investment remains invested, the greater the impact of compounding. While short-term returns might seem modest, they can significantly accelerate growth over extended periods. The later you redeem your investment, the higher the potential return. This highlights the importance of a long-term investment horizon when harnessing the power of compounding.

Equity Mutual Funds and Compounding

Equity mutual funds provide a compelling avenue to leverage the power of compounding. These schemes invest your money in a diversified portfolio of stocks across various sectors and market segments. This diversification helps mitigate risk while offering the potential for significant long-term growth. By staying invested in an equity mutual fund for a long period, you allow your returns to compound, amplifying your overall gains.

A Case Study: Sundaram Multi Cap Fund

To illustrate the practical impact, let’s consider the Sundaram Multi Cap Fund, launched in October 2000. This multi-cap fund, investing a minimum of 75% in equity and equity-related instruments, serves as a prime example of how compounding can work wonders.

  • Short-Term Returns: The fund has delivered a return of 39.6% in the past year, transforming an initial investment of ₹1 lakh into ₹1.39 lakh.
  • Medium-Term Growth: If you had invested ₹1 lakh three years ago, the power of compounding would have grown it to ₹1.7 lakh.
  • Long-Term Impact: Over five years, the same ₹1 lakh investment would have grown to a more substantial ₹2.1 lakh due to the returns.
  • Decade-Long Journey: An investment made a decade ago could have reached ₹4.52 lakh, showcasing the significant growth potential over extended periods.

The Ultimate Reward: Long-Term Investment

The true magic unfolds when we look at the investment made at the fund’s launch in October 2000. An initial investment of ₹1 lakh, patiently held for over two decades, would have grown a staggering 30 times, reaching a value of approximately ₹30 lakh! This exponential growth is a testament to the transformative power of compounding in the realm of equity mutual fund investments.

Returns given by Sundaram Multi Cap Fund

Tenure      Return (%) ₹one lakh grows to (Rs)
1 year                          39.61.39 lakh
3 years                     19.51.7 lakh
5 years                      162.1 lakh
10 years                    16.34.52 lakh
Since launch in Oct 2000              15.630 lakh

Beyond the Example

The Sundaram Multi Cap Fund is just one illustration; the magic of compounding can work its wonders across various equity mutual funds. However, it’s crucial to remember some key considerations:

  • Market Volatility: The stock market is not a smooth upward trajectory. There will be periods of corrections and downturns. Compounding doesn’t eliminate this risk, but it allows you to weather these storms by reinvesting your returns through both good times and bad.
  • Fund Selection: Choosing the right mutual fund scheme is essential. Research the fund manager’s track record, investment strategy, and expense ratio before making an investment.
  • Risk Tolerance: Equity mutual funds carry inherent risks associated with stock market fluctuations. It’s crucial to understand your risk tolerance and invest accordingly.

Strategies to Maximize Compounding

Understanding the power of compounding is just the first step. Here are some strategies to maximize its benefits:

  • Start Early: The sooner you begin investing, the longer your money has time to grow through compounding. Even small amounts invested regularly can accumulate significant wealth over extended periods.
  • Invest Regularly: Develop a habit of consistent investing, such as setting up a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) in your chosen mutual fund. This ensures regular investment regardless of market fluctuations, fostering the power of compounding.
  • Stay Invested: Avoid the temptation to panic sell during market downturns. Compounding works best when your investment remains invested for the long term.


Financial literacy empowers individuals to make informed investment decisions. By understanding the magic of compounding, you gain a valuable tool for growing your wealth over time. Remember, compounding is a marathon, not a sprint. By starting early, investing regularly, and staying committed to your long-term goals, you can unlock its transformative power and pave the way for a secure financial future.

Additional Considerations

  • Diversification: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Diversify your portfolio across different asset classes, including equity mutual funds, debt instruments, and real estate (if applicable).
  • Seek Professional Guidance: Consulting a qualified financial advisor can help you develop a personalized investment strategy tailored to your specific risk tolerance and financial goals.

Disclaimer: This essay is for informational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. Always consult with a qualified financial advisor before making any investment decisions.

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