
Yes Bank Share – Bought for 22 Rupees and Sold for 44 Rupees – Bought 133 Yes Bank shares

Yes Bank Share

The statement, “Yes Bank Share – Bought for 22 Rupees and Sold for 44 Rupees – Bought 133 Yes Bank shares,” presents a glimpse into a potentially successful short-term investment. Let’s delve deeper into the factors at play and analyze the decisions made.

Understanding the Investment:

  • Entry and Exit Price: The investor purchased 133 Yes Bank shares at ₹22 per share and sold them at ₹44 per share. This translates to a purchase price of ₹2906 (133 * 22) and a selling price of ₹5842 (133 * 44).
  • Profit Potential: Based on the information provided, the investor earned a profit of ₹2936 (5842 – 2906). This represents a percentage gain of around 134% (2936 / 2906 * 100).

Factors Influencing the Decision:

  • Market Analysis: The investor likely identified a buying opportunity in Yes Bank shares. This could be due to several reasons:
    • Positive company news or performance.
    • Overall market trends favoring the banking sector.
    • Speculative anticipation of a future price rise.
  • Risk Tolerance: The decision to invest suggests the investor had a moderate risk tolerance. The banking sector, while generally stable, can be susceptible to market fluctuations.
  • Investment Timeframe: This appears to be a short-term investment strategy, aiming to capitalize on a price increase within a limited timeframe.

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Considerations and Potential Pitfalls:

  • Limited Information: The provided information doesn’t reveal the investment duration. A short-term gain doesn’t necessarily translate to long-term success.
  • Market Volatility: The stock market is inherently volatile. While this investment seems profitable, future outcomes can be unpredictable.
  • Individual Circumstances: Every investor has unique financial goals and risk tolerance. This example shouldn’t be seen as guaranteed success for everyone.

Learning from the Example:

This scenario highlights the potential rewards of well-timed investment decisions. However, it’s crucial to remember:

  • Research is Key: Conduct thorough research before investing in any stock. Analyze company financials, market trends, and expert opinions.
  • Develop a Strategy: Have a clear investment strategy aligned with your financial goals and risk tolerance.
  • Long-Term Focus: While short-term gains can be attractive, focus on building a long-term investment portfolio for sustainable wealth creation.


The Yes Bank share flip demonstrates the potential benefits of informed investment decisions. However, it’s a single example, and successful investing requires a comprehensive approach that considers market research, risk management, and a long-term perspective.

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